Sunday, September 19, 2004

Timing is Everything

So my pal Dave just announced that he and his girlfriend of 2-months are going to get married. Now, I have no real issue with them getting married. I think they are very cute together and could definitely make it as a couple. The trouble is, what's the rush? Why not slow down, chill out, and just get to know each other before making the commitment?

It's not my decision to make obviously. I just hope they made the right one since there isn't much room to maneuver in now.


Blogger Pie Man said...

I actually blurted out "Holy SHIT!!" when Dan announced it. Normally I try to control my language in church, but that was quite the shocker for me. 2 months != long time. I'd vote "slow down, chillax" but, hey, it's their thing.

I don't know TOO much about their relationship, so I don't know what the hell is going on. Maybe dating was actually courtship, maybe they clandestinely met before, but Dave was so anti-girl that he had to keep appearances up, or a million other maybes.

*shrug* Cool nonetheless. *raises stein** here's to them! Live long and happy! *takes a swig of some Red Devil Ale*

*I don't like wine or champagne. It's gross. Beer == better.


I now get to claim that "hey, my buddy's getting married". reflected_Glory++; yo! (A weird dynamic, but somehow among the group of people I know, it works).

6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ALL relationships seem perfect after only two months. Jesus. That's no reason to get married.
I wish them well. And I wish them a prenup.

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike.. Eric here. Man, everyone is getting married these days at such a young age or after so little time together. I myself think it's absolutly crazy. I don't know your friend Dave and I've never seen him with his GF but I have been in several relationships that didn't work out right. 2 months is definitly not enough time to be with someone to make such a huge decision. They're still in the honeymoon stage for God's sake. I can't even count how many relationships I've been in that turned way sour after the first few months. So many of my highschool friends are engaged or married or have kids now, I mean what's the rush? Why can't people be commenlaw before the actual knot tieing? Then if they realize that their other is not who they had hoped they'd be then it's not such a big thing to break up. Even one of my ex's is getting married in November after being with her "fiance" for 2 months. I couldn't believe it when I heard about that one as she broke up with me because things were "too" serious.... Ya, I dunno? I don't even know why I'm writing this... It could be the fact that I think that if young adults would just think with their heads a little more then maybe... just maybe we wouldn't have a divorce rate higher than 50%. Just my 2c.

7:40 PM  

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